Thursday, September 25, 2014

Reading Response #2: Before I Fall

    Before I Fall is such a great book so far! It is so intense and a book I can't even put down. It is already so different from books I have read because of the way the sequence is written. It starts off with the main event and then goes back in time to tell an incredible story seven different ways in seven of the same days. I promise I'll explain later because you probably just got really confused! Even the author of Thirteen Reasons Why agrees by saying "You'll have no choice but to tear through this book!(cover)" in part of his review.

     This book is about a girl named Samantha and her three best friends. They are really popular and are having the time of their lives in high school and couldn't be more pleased with their high school experience. One night after a wild party filled with booze and good times they piled into a car and started to drive back home. Of course the driver was drunk and she wasn't paying attention and crashed, killing all four of them. Samantha wakes up the morning of the car accident which she thinks was just a dream but when she wakes up six more times after the crash happens again and again she then realizes she was given some odd chance to beat death. The story is supposed to unfold why she was given a such a chance.
"Then all of a sudden there was a flash of white in front of the car. Lindsay yelled something-words I couldn't make out, something like sit or shit or sight- and suddenly the car was flipping off the road and into the black mouth of the woods, I heard a horrible screeching sound- metal on metal, glass shattering, a car folding in two- and smelled fire.(page 6)"

     I am really enjoying this book and can't wait to write further reading responses about it without spoiling anything of course. I love the bond between these best friends. It shows how close they really are, even in the first several pages. In the prologue it reads "...when Lindsay, Elody, Ally, and I got drunk and tried to make snow angels in May, leaving person-sized imprints in Ally's lawn; my sweet-sixteen party, when we set out a hundred tea lights and danced on the table in the backyard...(page 3)" Also in the book the author shows how great of friends they are by writing "There are only two days of the year Lindsay, Ally, Elody, and I deliberately dress the same: Pajama Day during Spirit Week, because we all bought cute matching sets at Victoria's Secret last Christmas, and Cupid Day.(page 11)"

     From what I can gather so far this book is really not something a boy would enjoy reading...unless your just into that stuff. I also think that so far this a perfect representation of high school. A lot of books written about high school are pretty cliche and don't match the standards at all but this one pretty much nails it. I think that just makes this book even more enjoyable to read because you can relate. I can't wait to finish up this book and I'm crossing my fingers for a brilliant ending!!

p.s So far it seems as my reading responses contain tragic events. Believe me I don't have some weird thing for car accidents.


  1. I think I started to read this a while ago but I never finished, I thought you described it really well though and I enjoyed your little note at the end!

  2. I read this book sophomore year, I didn't really like it, but you're response is good.:)
