Monday, November 10, 2014

Chinese Etiquette

     I will be doing my research paper on Chinese etiquette, A lot of things are completely different over there than here in America. If you were to ever visit China and act normal (like an American) then you might show some major disrespect even if you don't it. It is good to know how people in other countries act in case you go there or you meet someone. They will probably be highly impressed by the way you act and be thankful. When you think about a culture the last thing you think about is etiquette which is why I want to inform people you!

Chinese flag

     One of the things I learned is to never introduce yourself first, You have to wait to be told to introduce yourself. There is also an order you should be introduced. For example the inferior should be introduced to the superior first and the male should introduced to the female first and so on and so forth. Another thing is when you visit family you must always bring a gift as a polite gesture. Also you may only sit down if he host as told you so. There are also a list of rules you shouldn't do whilst handshaking. One of them is you can't shake with your left hand. Another one is you can't shake hands sitting down unless your disabled.

Chinese shaking hands

     Overall it is safe to say that China is a lot more strict than America. They take etiquette way more seriously than we do. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. Most Americans probably think it's a bad thing because it is to serious but we are just so accustomed to a chilled out lifestyle that it is a culture shock to us and vise versa. They probably think we are rude animals that have no manners but we don't know any better. Or who knows maybe they hate having such good etiquette and want to just let loose. I would ask but I think that is just one of those things you just don't ask about.