Monday, October 27, 2014

Response: "Face to Face" and A Bias Test

     This whole experience was very different and interesting. It made me a little uncomfortable. And by a little I mean a lot. None of my opinions or values have changed. I feel as though the "Face to Face" segment was really unique because it is the perspectives of other races. Although that is how Americans feel when we have done something to another country. Everyone tends to point fingers at an entire country instead of individual people. So I honestly don't feel sorry for those people because if I was in their country and Americans were doing acts of terrorism I would get treated the same way and that's just life. If you don't like something then you can leave. It sounds harsh but I feel that's the truth and someone had to say it. Plus I am in a bad mood so anything goes.

this is how I feel
     I also think the implicit bias test was very strange and unfair. Like, if I hit E instead of L because my mind is confused that makes me favor white people or vice versa. I thought it was very pointless and inaccurate and there is no way that a test like that would actually tell you what race you favor. Also what about all the other races? I don't know I just thought it was weird and disrespectful in a way. Like, Harvard, what does this prove and why is this on your website. I think it's a waste of time and has no connection with racial issues or anything in that matter.

Friday, October 24, 2014


This photo relates to the article 

     Plagiarism, we have all the word but we all know it has always been wrong. With the vast transformation in technology today the word is starting to lose its bad rep to some but not so much to others. It seems that it is so easy to unintentionally plagiarism that some professors just bypass. It is strange to hear that because the norm built in our brains is copying from a website is stealing. But honestly if it isn't tied to an actual author is it really stealing? If I copy a tweet into my writing do I really have to cite COMMONBLACKGIRL.

     This whole article was about plagiarism and how it is a rising matter because technology. Since everything on the Internet doesn't really "belong" to anyone it makes it difficult to cite information especially if it's just common sense. Susan D. Blum explained "'s OK if you write papers you couldn't care less about because they accomplish the task, which is turning in something in and getting a grade." Sarah Wilensky who is a senior at Indiana University disagrees and explains that plagiarism "does not foster creativity, it fosters laziness."

     I believe in many things. I think that copy and pasting an entire article into your paper is wrong but it isn't if it's just a couple sentences of the article. I also think that no one would even be plagiarizing if we weren't expected to write these crazy expert papers. Not everyone wants to major in a career that requires such fine writing skills so why should we all have to suffer. I also think that if this corrupt education system wasn't so fixated on grades then no one would even think about copy and pasting. If we focused more on learning and less on test scores plagiarism wouldn't even be a thing.  

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Reading Response #3: Zombie Blondes

     One day I was in the library searching for a book. I tend to gravitate towards sad books so I wanted to spice it up and get something different. I decided to go for a book called Zombie Blondes by Brian James which I assumed was about some crazy popular chicks but boy was I in for a rude awakening. This book was so much more than that. I guess I should have taken the title a little more seriously.

book cover

     This is by far the strangest book I have ever read in my entire life so far. I am still trying to figure out if that is a good thing or a bad thing. This book is about a girl named Hannah who moves around a lot with her out-of-work father. Hannah always has fears about making friends each time she moves. She meets this weird kid that constantly tells her that the cheerleaders at Maplecrest, Vermont are really monsters. But, Hannah, doesn't really care because she just wants to be popular or just fit in and not be anonymous like at all the other schools.

This is how I imagine the town to look like
"Those are the girls I need to impress if I want to be popular, or keep from pissing off if I just want to fit in. That makes figuring out who they are pretty important. Highest priority if I wish to avoid making a mistake that will get me on the wrong list unintentionally. A dirty look is all it takes. It's the way it's been at every school I've passed through in the past couple of years, so I've gotten pretty good at figuring out who they are. My social well-being depends on it. (page 10)"

     The cheerleaders in this book look extremely similar. It is different because you think they would be really tan but in this book they all have extremely pale skin. Also all the characters in this book are really on edge and just strange. Actually the whole entire town is very odd and nothing seems right. It's like everyone knows something that Hannah and the reader don't know but all the rumors seem too odd to be true.

This is how I imagine the cheerleaders to look like
"Her long blond curls like a halo when the sunlight shines on her just right. Perfect smile and perfect skin like an angel made of porcelain. Sparkling blue eyes with soft pink eyelids to match the strawberry pout on her upper lip...(page 11)" "Each and everyone trying so hard to look exactly like she does. Each of them pretty, too. Each of them wearing the same bleached hair and bleached skin...(page 11)"

     I honestly don't really care for this book too much but I enjoyed it at the same time in a way. The whole book and I mean the whole book was speculation about what might be going on. then all of a sudden out of nowhere all the speculation became facts. It was smart of the author to write it this way because the speculation keeps you on edge and makes who want to read more to find out what is going on but I think he should've eased into it A LOT more. Just to give you some insight the book is 17 chapters long and at chapter 15 is when all of a sudden out of nowhere stuff gets real. You don't even expect it and it is really intense and just too much. I would suggest this book if you like zombie like things or fantasies just know it's a little far fetched.