Monday, October 27, 2014

Response: "Face to Face" and A Bias Test

     This whole experience was very different and interesting. It made me a little uncomfortable. And by a little I mean a lot. None of my opinions or values have changed. I feel as though the "Face to Face" segment was really unique because it is the perspectives of other races. Although that is how Americans feel when we have done something to another country. Everyone tends to point fingers at an entire country instead of individual people. So I honestly don't feel sorry for those people because if I was in their country and Americans were doing acts of terrorism I would get treated the same way and that's just life. If you don't like something then you can leave. It sounds harsh but I feel that's the truth and someone had to say it. Plus I am in a bad mood so anything goes.

this is how I feel
     I also think the implicit bias test was very strange and unfair. Like, if I hit E instead of L because my mind is confused that makes me favor white people or vice versa. I thought it was very pointless and inaccurate and there is no way that a test like that would actually tell you what race you favor. Also what about all the other races? I don't know I just thought it was weird and disrespectful in a way. Like, Harvard, what does this prove and why is this on your website. I think it's a waste of time and has no connection with racial issues or anything in that matter.

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